24 May 2011


After we left Invercargill we drove northwards along the Eastern side of lower South Island known as Fjordland..with good reason. Ancient glaciers have left huge fjords and rugged mountains in their wake, and much of the area isn’t even accessible. As we left the grey clouds of the south behind we were surrounded by mountains which got higher as we drove along. Because of the recent cold snap the mountains were topped with snow, and the scenery became more and more majestic. That night we stopped on the edge of a huge glacial lake at Te Anau, which is ringed with mountains and forests. It is the gateway to the majestic Fjordland National Park and a very pretty village.

Next day we did the awesome drive to the famous Millford Sound. En route we stopped and did a strenuous hike up a steep ascent to Key Summit for 3 hours. It was also the beginning of the famous Routeburn Track which takes several days to do. There were amazing views all the way up to top, but as we go to the very top, thick cloud covered the mountains and we could not see anything else. We drove through the mist and drizzle along the steep and winding road to the very heart of the mountains, at times with steep, sheer cliffs soaring above us covered with snow. The twisty road with hairpin bends was scary with lots of ice on the side of the road. Also there is a tunnel and Paul had to drive the Campervan through with a huge tour bus coming the other way...we each had inches to spare in the dark.That night we slept at Milford Sound camp, and in the morning the mist and rain had cleared!! We did the famous Boat cruise up the Sound with near perfect weather, and saw the amazing glacial mountains with their distinctive sheer rock formations, wonderful glaciers, dolphins etc. Rarely do things you dream about not only meet your expectations, but EXCEED them!!! This was one of them. Doing the Milford Sound was one of the top things in our “bucket list” and it is a MUST DO!!

That night we drove back still gobsmacked. We decided to stop and camp at the edge of a stunning lake surrounded by snow capped peaks and forest. It was a Parks Board Camp site with an honesty box costing $10.00 per night..it was so lovely.Because it was still early Paul tried to make a fire with soggy wood, and I sat and painted a picture with the lake, forests and relflections...what a treat.

We are now in Queentown..the adventure capital of the world....It is also incredibly beautiful built along the huge glacial lake and surrounded by the snow topped peaks called the Remarkable Range.

Something Paul has ALWAYS wanted to do was Hang-glide, so he talked me into joining him on a flight.We drove high up Coronet Peak (see picture) which is also a ski field area, and both did an amazing flight down. I was so scared at first, but once we were airborne it was so peaceful and lovely that I relaxed. The scariest part is running down the edge of a steep cliff and then launching yourself upwards. Paul was thrilled to bits, especially when the pilot did a few “stalls” and sharp swings up and down for good measure. After that we took a Gondola Ride up the main mountain in the city and did a Luge trip around the top. What a day. Tomorrow we will do some scenic drives because all these exciting activities like Bungy , Jet boat etc etc costs the earth!

It has been a fantastic trip so far and we are so Blessed to see this lovely country and its awesome scenery.


Pat McMaster said...

Hi Colleen and Paul,
How absolutely fantastic to get your blog update and look at it. I kind of knew you had gone off somewhere, but didn't know it was NZ. I am just amazed at all you have done/are doing. You are a real inspiration. Keep it up!

I hope various ailments etc are now a thing of the past for you both and that they are in way inhibiting you from doing all the things you want to do. Enjoy and carry on writing about it all. Lots of love from us both, Pat and Vic xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

G'day to you both-looks like you're having heaps of fun but it must be freeeezing - the trip sounds fantastic & you write such an interesting blog I wanna be right there with you - soooo how do you keep warm?
love Linda

Anonymous said...

great pics of you guys in the air well done. looking forward to following your progress. Love joe and june. sounds like a great trip enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul and Colleen,

Absolutely amazing! We really admire and envy you guys. Living your dream! Keep the news rolling we are following your every step on our map.
Lots of love,
Laurie and Nancy xxxx

Cathy said...

It looks so beautiful but I would not be able to stand the COLD, you look freezing! And HANGLIDING! You guys are so intrepid! Love Cathy

Dipi said...

Wow, you crazy people!

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul and Colleen...great you are having a fab time...we have been to all the places and loved it all...so beautiful at every turn! Loved the hot springs and NZ Champs!! It is all such a fab adventure...enjoy every minute of every day...We remember standing at the bottom of Mt Cook and looking up to the snowcapped mountain and just wanted time to stand still..it was so majestic and awe inspirint. XX Jane and Terry

Becs said...

Wow. You guys are so blessed to be able to do this. Wish I could join you! Keep having fun and my God bless you both on your travels.
lots of love, Becci